Monday, April 18, 2011

Critical Reflection Section 3

Critical Reflection

I have succeeded in presenting the thematic messages clearly and efficiently in the Typographical Conveyances.However ,each person has his own perception and thinking and  thus it can not be said with certainty that it will  not be misinterpreted.I have kept it very simple and do not think it needs to be oversimplified.

The audience in this case is the college students and the teachers .I am not sure of their visual tastes  as I belong to another country and culture though I can guess that their tastes would be more contemporary and to some extent flamboyant while I have conservative and traditional taste. In spite of that, I think my work would be able to carry weight with them as it has a universal appeal and conveys the meaning quite clearly.

The main purpose of this presentation is academic learning although the larger aim is to acquire skills to use it in future endeavors.It is an interesting activity as it not only tests the understanding  of the vocabulary but also the presentation of that understanding in such a way that you feel that the words are talking to you. 

Critical Reflection Section 2

Critical Reflection -Section 2

I have tried to be consistent in keeping up with the theme and its components in consonance.I seem to have fairly succeeded though a lot remains to be achieved.As I mentioned earlier in my reflection,my problem is using technology effortlessly to create visuals as I imagine them .I can think of different ways in which I could improve on the graphic and fonts.I was really satisfied with the Word Portraits-' Ancient' and 'Naughty' as they are effective in conveying the theme.In the legibility and text safe areas, I could have changed the font style and effect and colour to complement the backdrop.The adjustment in the Hue and Saturation really reflects the overall theme appropriately.The theme is neither specific nor too broad because many different elements have been used.
I generally like the presentational styles of whatever I created.The elements do stand out clearly and seem to be in thematic agreement. While doing the icon,and drawing the violin, better line work would have enhanced the impact of the icon created.
The placement is important as it enhances the visual impact of its components.I have generally placed everything in the center and maintained that through out.What I felt  was that due to lack of confidence in my technological skills and perhaps paucity of time,I have not ventured to try out different options before homing on to  the final product.I would have come up with better conceptual and aesthetic gains,had I  tried to put in more variety and taken the risk of using more tools in photoshop.

combining fonts and images

Fonts and Images

In this activity we were to create a logo for a company or business and use an appropriate font combining it with an image downloaded from the internet .I chose to design a logo for an opticians firm and used the eyes to depict the eyes as it concerns that part of the body .I created this in Powerpoint  using the font ' Wide Latin'.The result appears to be quite effective as I have used solid colours to convey reliability and strength of the product being offered as well as the genuineness of the services .

Thursday, April 14, 2011

word portrait

This activity was designed to  use an appropriate font which would bring out  the  meaning of the word .I chose the word 'Ancient 'and used Stencil Std. font and gave it a dark colour to give depth.The second word I used was 'naughty' using the font Jokerman' which seemed very appropiate in conveying the meaning .  

typographical designs

typographical design  

We were asked to use typography and convey the meaning of the word.Type face and fonts are very powerful mediums to convey a feeling or suggest meaning and essence of the word.It is a great tool for designers and visual artists as each typography has a language and vocabulary of its own.In the case of Pillow I tried to use the letter 'o' to give the image of a pillow. For the word lightly,the use of light blue colour , with the two letters  - 'l' and 'y' kind of lifting into the air to give the effect of weightlessness to convey the meaning. The word Brick  has to show strength and solidity , hence the bold typeface with an outline to show rigidity and firmness of shape. The word Shred is conveyed through the letters dropping off one by one as if being shredded. I used  the effect of perspective to depict the increase in size with 'l' depicting extra large. Atom is shown through the typeface  which has no sharp edges and the letter 'o ' kind of conveys an image of atom.

digital storytelling

For this activity we were asked to pick up five images and adding a few texts we had to create a  digital story. I used a few pictures and tried to tell a story of the day  I was in San Francisco and the threat of Tsunami loomed large at the Pacific coast . I used Power Point to insert pictures, four of them from  the internet and one of Yosemite Park taken by me . I put them together on five slides and wrote some captions to form a link .It turned out to be quite interesting.