It is time for critical reflection on the activities under Composition where we have posted work showcasing Horizon Variations, Grouping ,Theme, Colour and Emphasis ,Golden Section and a reflection on the seminar on GeoSpatial Techniques. I must admit that when I started out, I was totally at sea and did not really understand what exactly we were doing or supposed to do. However, after persevering and pushing myself to understand the big picture, it gradually dawned on me what Visual Literacy was all about and how to connect the dots of the various activities that we were doing. So my initial critical reflection of my blog is that I am very proud of the fact that at least I am able to put it together and post it. Since I have very basic knowledge of Computers, just to be able to give a visual to my ideas, however imperfectly, has boosted my morale and has given me the impetus to further enhance my skills.So a pat on my back before I look at the shortcomings.
When you look at the complete picure, you realise how different elements, images and techniques in unison make an impact. I have tried to keep the blogs simple but effective. I really liked the one I did on Grouping because that was a totally self created visual and required us to use our comprehension as well as artistic instincts to convey the meaning of the given terms. I think I lacked consistency in maintaining the font size and type ,since when I started I did not visualise the final picture.But now I feel a bit of adjustment in the size of text and pictures would have made a better connection within the entire blog.There would have been more continuity and flow.
The alignment is continuous throughout and seems to have a kind of flow, though there are certain anomalies which when removed can improve the end result. I could have tried to put a little variation by left and right side alignment and resizing the pictures to make it more proportionate to the text. I have put the narrative with each work to explain my thoughts and purpose for choosing that particular style.I had certain ideas in mind but lacked the skill to do it .I am still grappling with the technique to be able to present exactly the way I visualize it in my mind.
I have used green colour in the background as it is my favorite colour and also I find it to be a very soothing colour.The light green background stands in good contrast with all the work that has been put up. I think all the blogs are critical to our understanding of Visual Literacy and its implications ,so I do not think I can really prioritize the work on any basis. Every activity we did has a special significance and pertains to the acquiring of skills required to make an effective visual . Each element has a significance in completing the picture and making it more wholesome.